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Celeste began her career as a birth professional in 2001 when, as a Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher, she was asked to teach a prenatal yoga class.  By February of 2002, she was teaching prenatal yoga at the Boston Center for Adult Ed and attended her prenatal yoga teacher training with Janice Clarfield in May of the same year. After that she began to specialize in teaching yoga to pregnant and new moms with their babies, and has since taught many classes for Isis Parenting, Harvard Vanguard, MIT, and Healthworks Fitness for Women. She co-created the Mother and Baby Yoga curriculum for Isis Parenting.  


While attending her prenatal yoga teacher training, she first learned about the doula profession. As fate would have it, one of her pregnant yoga students asked her in November of  ’02 if she would be their doula, even though Celeste wasn’t trained. Celeste’s first client had an amazing, natural delivery, and Celeste was smitten with birth! She felt as if it was the most natural thing in the world to be supporting couples in having their babies. Two weeks later she attended her doula training with The Association of Labor Assistants and Child Birth Educators (ALACE), now known as To Labor. Since then she has attended numerous childbirth education conferences, trainings and classes in the Boston area. She also completed the introductory workshop for the Birthing from Within approach to childbirth mentoring with the Pam England. She also attended a workshop with Pam on incorporating BFW principles and practices for doulas.


In addition, Celeste has been a practicing postpartum doula since March of 2015. She has been a mom and baby yoga instructor since 2002 and an Itsy Bitsy Yoga for Babies instructor since 2006. Her calming,compassionate presence, attention to detail and knowledge of babies and of mothers makes her wonderful postpartum doula.


Additionally, Celeste brings her training in Jin Shin Jyutsu: a Japanese healing art akin to acupuncture without needles, massage therapy, Wave Work and dance to her practice as a doula. She has been told by many people that she has healing hands and a very calming, reassuring, and grounding presence. She brings love, reverence, respect, compassion and creativity to her work with her clients.


She is immensely grateful for the opportunity to support expectant couples through the transformational experience of bringing their babies into the world. She feels deeply honored to be chosen by her clients as their guide.

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