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COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols



During the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have put these protocols in place for the health and safety of our clients and team members.  If any of the following protocols will cause a hardship, we ask that you discuss them with the team in advance so that we can make adaptations or accommodations for your needs.




  • Doulas will take their temperatures before coming together with Clients for in-person support.  (A Doula must have a temperature below 100°F to attend Clients in-person.)
  • Doulas will undergo regular COVID-19 testing.

  • Doulas will wear masks while supporting Clients.

  • Whenever possible, Doula will maintain appropriate physical distance (~6 feet apart).  If the Client and Doula are comfortable, the Doula may approach more closely for short periods (to model comforting touch, to have private conversations, etc).

  • When masks need to be removed (by Doula or Client/s) for longer than 5 minutes (such as to eat a meal), every effort will be made to provide appropriate physical distancing (6 or more feet apart, in a different room, or outdoors).

  • Doulas will remove their shoes, bag and exterior garments at the door of the Client’s home and place them in a plastic bag.

  • Any materials/tools that Doulas bring into a Client’s home or birthing space (such as essential oil bottles, massage oil bottles, massage tools, etc.) will be sanitized between Clients and kept in a zip-top plastic bag.




  • Client/s will take their temperatures before the Doula arrives for in-person support.  (Client/s must have a temperature below 100°F to receive in-person Doula support.)
  • We ask the birthing person and any other adults who will be in the room to wear masks that cover both their nose and mouth (this includes overnight nursing sessions during postpartum shifts, if the Doula is to remain in the room).

  • It is important to have good air circulation.  Weather permitting, we ask that Clients keep a window opened to maintain proper ventilation in rooms where Doulas will be working with Client/s.  

  • We ask that Client/s provide two full rolls of paper towels for Doulas to conduct frequent hand-washing and cleaning, and so as not to share cloth towels between Doulas and Clients.


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