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Covid-19 Health & Safety Protocols

During the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have put these protocols in place to protect the health and safety of our clients and team members, and our ability to continue working and providing services. You may find that the team’s protocols sometimes take a more cautious approach than the general CDC guidelines. If any of the following protocols will cause a hardship for you or your family, we ask that you discuss them with the team in advance so that we can make adaptations or accommodations for your needs.​




  • Masks are currently optional for Doulas. If Public Health guidelines change, Doulas will wear masks that cover both their nose and mouth.

  • Doulas will undergo COVID-19 testing when they have symptoms or a known exposure. Doulas can also take a rapid test at the request of the Client anytime.

  • If a Doula tests positive for COVID-19, they must be fever-free and have improving symptoms for 24 hours before they can return to work. When they return to work, they will be required to wear a mask for 5 days

  • A client may request that a Doula wear a mask at any time.

  • Doulas will maintain good hand hygiene, including frequent washing with soap and water.




  • Masks are currently optional for Clients. If Public Health guidelines change, we may ask the birthing person and/or new parents and any other adults who will be in the room to wear masks that cover both their nose and mouth (this includes overnight nursing sessions during postpartum shifts if the Doula is to remain in the room).

  • When possible, it is important to have good air circulation. We may ask that Clients keep a window open to maintain proper ventilation in rooms where Doulas will be working with Client/s, weather permitting.

  • We ask that Client/s provide paper towels or a separate hand towel for Doulas to conduct frequent hand-washing and cleaning.

  • If a Client or anyone in their household tests positive for COVID-19, they must be fever-free and have improving symptoms for 24 hours before the Doula can return to their home. The person with Covid will wear a mask for the next 5 days when the Doula is present. If the baby tests positive for COVID-19, because they cannot mask, the Doula will return to work 5 days after the baby is free of fever and has improved symptoms.


**Special Note Regarding Service During the Covid-19 Pandemic**


During the Covid-19 pandemic, Boston Doula Circle has worked diligently to adapt our services and create stringent safety protocols for the benefit and protection of our clients and team members.  Even with these measures in place, under the extraordinary circumstances of a global pandemic, there is a chance that it might not be possible for BDC’s services to be delivered exactly as planned.  We are committed to communicating with you in as clear and timely a manner as possible in the event that an emergency change in plans is needed.  As the conditions of the pandemic continue to evolve, please do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions about what you can expect from working with BDC.

Safety Protocols

The Benefits of Virtual Doula Support

Right now, we are living through an unprecedented time of change and anxiety. Few people are feeling this more strongly than those preparing for the birth of their child. One source of anxiety
for birthing people is the new protocol limiting support people at most hospitals and birth centers. But doula support is still available to you and just as vital as ever. In many ways, doula support is even more important now than ever before.

Whether you were planning to have a doula for your birth and thought it was no longer an option or you have never considered a birth doula before, here are some reasons that virtual doula support can be valuable for you:

  • We keep you up-to-date on changing hospital protocols and make sure you are always aware of your rights as a patient and as a consumer.

  • We provide on-going support before, during and after your birth through unlimited phone calls, texts and emails. In addition, you will have a dedicated, private (password protected) Zoom meeting room for face-to-face communication with your doulas.

  • Pregnancy, labor and the postpartum period are always emotional times, and never more so than now. You may find yourself, quite naturally, grieving changes to your vision of the perinatal period or feeling added worry about being in the hospital at this time. We provide a safe outlet to share and process these thoughts, feelings and emotions whenever they emerge.

  • We help you to craft and refine your birth preferences, taking into account both current circumstances and your own desires for your birth.

  • We guide and encourage you and your partner to advocate for your needs before, during and after your birth.

  • We educate and provide resources to make sure you and your partner feel prepared to birth without physical doula support, but we also understand that there is so much to remember and think about during labor. That is why we are always by your side through phone, text, and video presence as your “birth encyclopedia” so you never have to worry about forgetting something important. We will be there to remind you of your options and your rights, suggest positional changes, and guide partners in providing physical comfort measures.

  • We bring you a sense of certainty in a time of uncertainty. Because our team has a shared call schedule, you can be sure that support will be available when you need it. At any time of day or night, at home or in the hospital, your doulas will be there for you.

Many people imagine virtual doula support as a brand new invention but, in reality, doulas have always delivered a level of virtual support. In Boston Doula Circle, we have always offered unlimited phone, text and email support to our clients prenatally and for the first several weeks postpartum, along with phone support in early labor before clients are ready for us to join them in their homes. Now, we are able to add video call technology to our support toolbox.
These tools allow us to provide continuous support to our clients, regardless of changes to our birthing landscape.

Virtual Doula Support

Boston Doula Circle Guide to Virtual Support for Clients

(May be copied for public use with attribution to

Additional Items to bring in your hospital bag:


  • iPad and charger or a laptop and charger. Headphones/earphones/earbuds with microphone x2

  • Please consider bringing wired earphones/headphones, as some types of wireless hospital equipment are impacted by bluetooth signals

What to do today:

  • Contact your phone service carrier and ensure your data plan is large enough to handle video chat for many hours

  • Optional: Install the Zoom app on a laptop/iPad and all smartphones (both birthing person and partner).  See below for step by step

  • Optional: Create a Zoom account. See below for step by step

While laboring at home with remote support:

  • Your doula will give you a link to our Zoom meeting.  Join the meeting on your laptop or iPad

  • Feel free to turn off/on your mute and video as needed

  • When you plan to leave for your birthing place, please join the same meeting via phone, so you and the doula can stay connected during this time

When you arrive at the hospital:

  • If you have time and are able to, please call back into the meeting with a laptop or iPad.  If you are not able to connect to the hospital WiFi, consider setting up your smartphone as a WiFi hotspot.  Try to find the widest camera angle possible, so the doula can have a full picture of the room.  Please leave this video on continuously.

  • There may be brief periods when hospital staff is in the room, and it is helpful for the doula to speak to you directly without everyone in the room listening.  At these moments, the doula may ask you to call her by phone for a more private conversation.  You may want to use earbuds/headphones at these times.

Other things to consider:

  • Consider getting a pair of CozyPhones/SleepPhones or something similar.  These may be more comfortable than having earbuds for a longer period of time.

  • If you are planning to bring an iPad, you may need to consider getting a stand or a case that will allow the iPad to be free-standing without holding it.

How to join a Zoom meeting:

  • For computers, tablets, or smartphones. Click on link provided by BDC in your email.

  • A new tab or window will open with options on how to join:

  • For easy access without creating an account or downloading an app, select the option “Join from your browser” at the bottom of the screen

  • If you have already downloaded the Zoom app or have a log-in, follow the prompts provided to join the meeting using your account

Optional — Downloading the Zoom App on a Computer:

  • Before starting make sure to have a functioning computer with working audio (and ideally video)

  • To access the download link, visit

  • Click on the “Download” button under “Zoom Client for Meetings” and follow your computer’s instructions for installing the app

  • Once installed, open to launch the Zoom app and a dialogue box will appear

  • Click on “Sign Up Free” to create your account

  • Please repeat the download steps 1-3 for your phone and/or tablet.  You will only need one account.

Optional — Creating a Zoom Account:

  • When you go to, click the “sign up it’s free” button on the far right of the top bar.  Follow the instructions to create your account. 

(Note:  Downloading the app and creating an account are NOT required to participate in a Zoom meeting.  You can go straight to the video chat with your doula by clicking the meeting link provided in your doula’s email message.)

Support for Clients


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