Lactation Support Services
Each of our doulas is trained to guide you as you learn how to breastfeed your baby immediately after birth and in the first few weeks. Dena Carmosino and Ananda Lowe are CLCs (Certified Lactation Consultant) in the Boston area. Ananda was previously a breastfeeding counselor at Boston Medical Center.
Our initial consultation will be 2-3 hours with two follow-up phone calls. We like to spend enough time to observe at least one feeding.
Our initial consultation fee is $200.
We see clients in their homes or at our locations in Melrose and Somerville, MA.
For appointment at our soonest availability, please contact us here
Topics we address include:
nipple pain
difficulty latching
underproduction of milk
overproduction of milk
baby clamping down jaws
returning from exclusive pumping to feeding at the breast
weaning from nipple shield
bottle refusal
calming crying and wakeful babies
waking sleepy babies to nurse
breastfeeding twins
how to nurse lying down
how to nurse without pillows and Boppy-type products
how to express milk by hand
family sleep problems
producing milk for a premature baby in the NICU
change in milk supply upon returning to work or traveling
mike storage guidelines
tandem nursing
paced bottle feeding
feeding multiples
alternative feeding methods and supplementation
Here's what Dr. Sears has to say about breastfeeding..
Dr. Sears, or Dr. Bill as his "little patients" call him, is the father of eight children as well as the author of over 30 books on childcare. Dr. Bill is an Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine.
Breastfeeding is the natural, physiologicway of feeding infants and young children milk, and human milk is the milk made specifically for human infants. Formulas made from cow's milk or soy beans (most of them) are only superficially similar, and advertising which states otherwise is misleading. Breastfeeding should be easy and trouble free for most mothers. A good start helps to assure breastfeeding is a happy experience for both mother and baby.
The vast majority of mothers are perfectly capable of breastfeeding their babies exclusively for four to six months. In fact, most mothers produce more than enough milk. Unfortunately, outdated hospital routines based on bottle feeding still predominate in many health care institutions and make breastfeeding difficult, even impossible, for some mothers and babies. For breastfeeding to be well and properly established, a good early few days can be crucial. Admittedly, even with a terrible start, many mothers and babies manage.
The trick to breastfeeding is getting the baby to latch on well. A baby who latches on well, gets milk well. A baby who latches on poorly has difficulty getting milk, especially if the supply is low. A poor latch is similar to giving a baby a bottle with a nipple hole which is too small - the bottle is full of milk, but the baby will not get much. When a baby is latching on poorly, he may also cause the mother nipple pain. And if he does not get milk well, he will usually stay on the breast for long periods, thus aggravating the pain.
Here are a few ways breastfeeding can be made easy:
1. The baby should be at the breast immediately after birth.
The vast majority of newborns can be put to the breast within minutes of birth. Indeed, research has shown that, given the chance, babies only minutes old will often crawl up to the breast from the mother's abdomen, and start breastfeeding all by themselves. This process may take up to an hour or longer, but the mother and baby should be given this time together to start learning about each other. Babies who "self-attach" run into far fewer breastfeeding problems. This process does not take any effort on the mother's part, and the excuse that it cannot be done because the mother is tired after labor is nonsense, pure and simple. Incidentally, studies have also shown that skin to skin contact between mothers and babies keeps the baby as warm as an incubator.
2. The mother and baby should room in together.
There is absolutely no medical reason for healthy mothers and babies to be separated from each other, even for short periods. Health facilities which have routine separations of mothers and babies after birth are years behind the times, and the reasons for the separation often have to do with letting parents know who is in control (the hospital) and who is not (the parents). Often bogus reasons are given for separations. One example is the baby passed meconium before birth. A baby who passes meconium and is fine a few minutes after birth will be fine and does not need to be in an incubator for several hours' "observation."
There is no evidence that mothers who are separated from their babies are better rested. On the contrary, they are more rested and less stressed when they are with their babies. Mothers and babies learn how to sleep in the same rhythm. Thus, when the baby starts waking for a feed, the mother is also starting to wake up naturally. This is not as tiring for the mother as being awakened from deep sleep, as she often is if the baby is elsewhere when he wakes up.
The baby shows long before he starts crying that he is ready to feed. His breathing may change, for example. Or he may start to stretch. The mother, being in light sleep, will awaken, her milk will start to flow and the calm baby will be content to nurse. A baby who has been crying for some time before being tried on the breast may refuse to take the breast even if he is ravenous. Mothers and babies should be encouraged to sleep side by side in the hospital. This is a great way for mothers to rest while the baby nurses. Breastfeeding should be relaxing not tiring.
Making milk is easy
10 steps to make plenty of milk
Frequent feedings.
The more often you feed, the more milk you make. -
All you need is breastmilk!
The Academy of Pediatrics recommends that your baby have a diet of purelybreastmilk for the first six months -- no other food or drink is needed. -
Feed early and often.
Feed at the earliest signs of hunger: if baby's awake, sucking on hands, moving hismouth or eyes, or stretching. -
If he didn't swallow, he didn't eat.
Looking and listening for signs of swallowing will help you know that your baby'sgetting enough. -
Say "No" to pacifiers and bottles
At least in the first 4 weeks. Pacifiers may hide the signs of hunger. The AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics recommends that you should not use a pacifier for the firstmonth if you are breastfeeding. If your baby has problems sucking, check with alactation specialist about how to feed him without using a bottle. -
Sleep near your baby and nurse lying down.
You can rest while you feed your baby! -
Have baby's mouth open wide like a shout, with lips flipped out.
Help your baby open his mouth as wide as possible. He should be directly facing you:(belly to belly, chest to chest, and his chin should touch the breast." Properpositioning keeps you both comfortable. If you're having trouble with latch, get helppromptly. -
Watch the baby not the clock.
Feed the baby when she's hungry and switch sides when swallowing slows down orshe takes herself off the breast. -
Go everywhere!
Plan to take your newborn everywhere with you for the first several weeks. -
Don't wait to ask for help, if you need it.
If you wait too long to get the help you need, it may be harder to breastfeed. Stickwith it -- it's worth it!