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Community Acupuncture for Pregnancy and More

Community acupuncture is offered in a small group setting in order to reduce the cost of treatments, and to bring the powerful effects of this healing practice to a broader population.   Clients share in an environment of tranquility and wellness as they receive personalized care from an acupuncturist who moves between patients.  Each person is treated with tiny, disposable acupuncture needles which are only used once.  

One of our favorite clinics is Open Space Community Acupuncture in Somerville, MA (USA), which provides treatments for $25-$50 per session. Acupuncture can be used for fertility support, during pregnancy to prepare the body for labor, for chronic pain, stress relief, and much more! 

To find other clinics throughout the US and Canada, visit the website of the People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture.

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