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From Exclusively Pumping to Easy Nursing


Updated: Jun 30, 2024

Sometimes new parents encounter a situation where exclusively pumping milk is required for a period of time. This could be due to their baby being cared for in a NICU, or due to challenges with learning to nurse successfully in the early days of their baby’s life. These parents might find they go on to provide pumped breastmilk for the rest of their baby-feeding journey.

It may be helpful to know

that it is almost always possible to return to nursing after exclusively pumping. At Boston Doula Circle, our Lactation Counselors are available to guide parents in this process. Successful, pain-free nursing can often be accomplished after one or two lactation appointments, even if many weeks have passed since your baby nursed directly. For those who wish to, easy nursing on a full-time basis is possible again!

The advantages of returning to nursing can include: saving many hours that would have been spent pumping and cleaning pump parts; a pleasurable experience of breastfeeding/chestfeeding; and a sense of personal healing if the early days of nursing were stressful or traumatic.


We work with families in their homes in the Greater Boston area, or virtually with families in any location. To learn more about meeting with a Lactation Counselor from BDC for any reason, click here!

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