The New Year is bringing new things to the Boston Doula Circle team! We are pleased to announce that, effective January 25, 2022, Ananda Lowe has taken on the role of Owner/Director of Boston Doula Circle!

Ananda is a birth and postpartum doula with 25+ years of experience, a published author (The Doula Guide to Birth), a lactation and childbirth educator, and a passionate advocate for creating a culture of consent in maternal health practice. She has also been an indispensable member of the BDC team for over four years and we are incredibly excited to be moving forward under her leadership.
We also want to take this opportunity to congratulate and wish our Founding Owner/Director, Dena Carmosino, all the best on her well-deserved retirement. We are endlessly grateful for all of her insight and wisdom in establishing and growing our innovative team model over the years.